
Security policy

Information Security (ISMS) Basic Policy

NextGeM Inc. is developing next-generation regenerative medicines using tissue stem cells and next-generation bio/medical-related solutions using AI and bioinformatics. As a responsible leader in the medical and life science industry, we will strive to ensure information security and contribute to the sound development of society in accordance with the following policy.

  1. We will appropriately protect anonymized information data, clinical test data, and our information assets entrusted to us through medical institutions from threats such as negligence, accidents, disasters, and crimes, in order to meet the expectations of users of our regenerative medicine products and medical solutions, business partners, and employees.
  2. We will retain our information security management system, implement strict physical and systemic security measures to prevent unauthorized access to information, loss, falsification, and leakage of information, thoroughly educate employees, and systematically and continuously improve and implement necessary measures for the protection of information.
  3. Our employees will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for information security and ensure that our information security efforts are solid.
  4. We will comply with all laws, ethical rules, regulations, codes, and contractual obligations related to information security and the medical and life science fields.
  5. In the event of a security incident, we will promptly investigate the cause, implement countermeasures, minimize the impact, and strive to prevent recurrence.

Scope of Application: Tokyo Data Lab.
Scope of certification: Development of next-generation regenerative medical innovations using stem cells / Analysis and development of next-generation bio/medical-related technologies using AI and bioinformatics

March 1, 2020
NextGeM Inc.
CEO Masakazu Nakajima